Nutrient Inactivation
LMS is a leader in the field of nutrient inactivation and has vast technical knowledge in the use of the most efficient scientific products available. LMS will conduct water analysis of your lake or pond to determine if the waterbody is a candidate for nutrient inactivation and calculate the most effective dosage rates to achieve the greatest nutrient removal.
Results can be outstanding.

Water Quality Monitoring
LMS monitoring programs are customized for each individual client. We develop monitoring programs that provide baseline data or an extensive program that will annually study water quality. These studies compile into a comprehensive scientific database will provide snapshots of the current condition and may help dictate the future water quality of your lake or pond. A scientific monitoring database can be an essential tool for trending analysis and understanding the "trophic state of the waterbody".
LMS will interpret the data and develop recommendations for best management practices and strategies.

Fishery Inventory and Relocation
Prior to stocking fish, it is recommended that studies be completed to determine the quality and quantity of the existing fishery population. LMS provides fishery population analyses utilizing sound scientific methods.
Additionally, we provide fishery relocation services. LMS will remove fish from a lake or pond and relocate the harvested fish to the desired location.

Goose Control
​LMS manages nuisance goose populations with advanced effective control techniques. Our methods include prescribe landscaping techniques, applying water proof digestive/ olfactory repellents or implementing visual and audible harassment tools.

Lake and Pond Mapping
LMS mapping programs provides our clients with specific knowledge and facts about their lake or pond with extreme accuracy. Using efficient ESRI ArcGIS and GPS referenced data collection technologies and advanced mapping software, LMS can provide acreage, shoreline analysis, lake bathometry, volumes, plant densities, water depths, water chemistry and more.