Over 33 Years of Aquatic Vegetation Control Experience
Lake Management Sciences (LMS) is an environmental firm specializing in the management and control of aquatic weeds and algae in lakes, ponds and watersheds throughout NJ, PA and NY. Customer satisfaction and communication are our key corporate principles.
Our team are leaders in aquatic vegetation management and control. In addition to over 33 years experience, all members of management possess either Masters or Bachelors of Science Degrees in an environmental discipline. This combination of professional experience, quality education and best management practices gives our clients the Best Lake Management Programs available.
LMS utilizes the highest quality products, specialized equipment and innovative scientific techniques to provide effective treatment plans and protocols to improve and enhance your water body. Our goal is to exceed your expectations.
Lake Management Sciences is a licensed and registered business with the States of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania as a commercial aquatic vegetation control applicator business.

Lake Associations
Private Pond and Lake Owners
States, Counties and Local Facilities - Parks
Golf Courses
Corporate Centers
Waterfront Property Owners
Environmental Consultants
Outdoor Recreational Facilities
Freshwater Swim Lanes
Farmers and Nurseries
Office Complexes

Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society- Board Member 2018-2022
Rutgers University-Cook College Continuing - Adjunct Lecturer
Education Lecturers: Lake Management Course and Techniques
Aquatic Plant Management Society
New Jersey Coalition of Lake Associations
New York Federation of Lake Associations
Pennsylvania Lake Management Society
Mid-West Aquatic Plant Management Society
SePRO Preferred Applicator Business
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundations
Chris Hanlon - LMS Owner “2019 Steward of Water” SePRO National Award Winner.
Chris Hanlon - National Recognition for one of the Largest Milfoil Control Programs in U.S. with ProcellaCOR at Pennsylvania Game Commission Shohola Marsh 2019-2021. Click Link to SePRO Video
Chris Hanlon - Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society (NEAPMS) 2018-2022 Board Member.
Chris Hanlon - National Award for Advancing the Science of Aquatic Plant Management - SePRO 2004.
Founding Member of Northeast Aquatic Management Society (NEAPMS)1999.
Adjunct Instructor Cook College Rutgers Extension – Lake Management Programs.
New Jersey Coalition of Lakes (NJCOLA) Instructor, Presenter and Member.
Member of Pennsylvania Lake Management Society (PALMS).
Member of New York Federation of Lakes Associations (NYSFOLA).